Volume VII, Issue 2, December 2016

Postmodern Openings | Volume VII, Issue 2, December 2016| DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/po/2016.0702

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Volume VII, Issue 2, December 2016

Volume VII, Issue 2, December 2016


Postmodernity and the Solidarity Dilemma – a Challenge for the Contemporary Couple | Iulian APOSTU
Full Text PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.01

Postmodern Philosophy and Theories

Informed Consent | Jean-Pierre CLÉRO
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.02

Pornography as a Biopolitical Phenomenon | Aura-Elena SCHUSSLER
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.03

Transparency and the Duty of Full Disclosure in Public and Environmental Health | Ana FRUNZA & Antonio SANDU
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.04

Overview of Embryonic Stem Cell Research | Marina PETRISOR (TICMEANU)
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.05

The Principle of Responsibility towards the Human Non-Presence or the Non-Human Presence | Loredana TEREC-VLAD
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.06

Social Research Studies

Research of the Effectiveness of Strategic Leadership in Crisis Management: a Comparative Study in Large Scale Enterprises and SMES in Konya 3rd Industrial Zone  | Adnan CELIK & Rabia YILMAZ
FULL PAPER PDF| DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.07

The Effects of Ethical Behaviors of the Managers on Organizational Climate: an Application in 3rd Organizational Industrial Zone in Konya | Adnan CELIK & Rabia YILMAZ
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.08

Ethical Audit Practice in Hospital Units – the Pillar of the Third Generation of Ethics | Daniela Tatiana AGHEORGHIESEI (CORODEANU) & Vladimir POROCH
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.09

Pay Satisfaction and Work Meaningfulness as Factors of IT Professionals’ Turnover Intentions: an Investigation in the Romanian Context | Sebastian URIESI
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.10

The Two Dimensions of Infidelity | Iulian APOSTU
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.11


About Singularity | Book Review for the volume “Filosofia singularitatii. Creierul global, o etica a gandirii fara om”, author Bogdan Popoveniuc, Eikon Publishing, Bucharest, Romania | Antonio SANDU
FULL PAPER PDF | DOI 10.18662/po/2016.0702.12