Religious Practice in Contemporary Romanian Rural Space Book review at the volume “Dinamica fenomenului religios si modernizarea rurala”, Autor Roxana Necula. Iasi, Romania: Editura Lumen, 2015

Religious Practice in Contemporary Romanian Rural Space Book review at the volume Dinamica fenomenului religios si modernizarea rurala. Autor Roxana Necula. Iasi, Romania: Editura Lumen, 2015| Antonio SANDU

Abstract: Confidence in the church is, nowadays, extremely high opposed to trust in other institutions of the state, especially the political ones. A first explanation is that the church manages to manage best the feeling of trust as key element of individual coping towards the society at risk. Faith in post-existence as a straight world, governed by a benevolent deity deeply contrasts with the disappointment and frustration accumulated during the accelerated course of the process of development implied by the post-industrial society. The sociologist, and especially the social worker has the burden to reply, on the basis of the empirical data, to what is the place and role of religion in the processes of the current social development. The author Roxana Necula answers to this very question in the volume “Dinamica fenomenului religios si modernizarea rurala”, published in March 2015 at Lumen Publishing House in Iasi.

Keywords: book review, dynamic, religious phenomenon, rural development.