Extracurricular Activities, an Alternative for Interdisciplinary Learning | Carmen Maria CHISIU
Abstract: Extracurricular activities include multiple measures of education and training. They are characterized by a greater variety and flexibility, providing better options for folding the particular skills and interests of students, satisfying the greater needs of children and young people, having at the same time a strong band. As extracurricular activities are not unequivocally associated to content, they may be an opportunity for interdisciplinary learning, which is much closer to learning to life than learning school subjects, which is strictly divided. Interdisciplinarity as a way of organizing learning content, with implications for the entire design strategies curriculum provides a consistent view of phenomena and processes proposed for study and facilitates contextualization and application of school knowledge in different life situations. Interdisciplinary approach to learning leads to the achievement of learning objectives of a high complexity. Children learn to make decisions, to think critically, to solve problems. Learning is achieved mainly through cooperation, teacher and students become partners in learning. The student is asked to solve various tasks and make an active contribution to his own development. The assessment focuses on the qualitative elements and targets the learning progress. In this paper we propose a way to achieve the design of an extracurricular activity – the trip in an interdisciplinary manner, in terms of Bloom’s taxonomy and of the theory of multiple intelligences – HowardGardner. The tasks approach the interdisciplinary learning, differentiated, based on the eight types of intelligences: linguistic, logical -mathematical, visual-spatial, musicalrhythmical, kinesthetical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, following step by step the six levels of Bloom’ s taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Keywords: extracurricular activities, interdisciplinary, learning for life, multiple intelligences, Bloom’ s Taxonomy.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/po/2013.0404.07