Abstract: Understanding the cultural effect in purchase of any product is important for the marketers to sustain in the competitive environment. Indian consumers are considered as non trusty consumers when considered about the cultural factors in making purchase decisions. The study emphasizes on the necessity of understanding the cultural changes as an important constraint in shopping behavior. The organizations need to analyze the cultural constraints and prepare the marketing strategies accordingly to sustain their positions in the market. The study is also conducted to find out the impact of different social institutions such as government, family and school in transforming the cultural background of consumers. The study will also analyze the influence of social group such as peers, family, and friends in making purchase decision. The study will analyze the impact of different media modes on consumers’ final decision making about the purchase of products. The study is conducted in Lucknow with sample size of 200 respondents. The reliability of questionnaire is checked using Cronbach’s Alpha, other tools used to analyze are one sample t-test and ANOVA.
Keywords: Culture, norms, purchase behavior, consumer behavior, values, religion, belief.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18662/po/2013.0403.04
Empirical Analysis of Cultural Effect on Purchase Behavior of Indian Consumer