Primary Qualification of the General Effects of Marriage Notion

Nadia Cerasela ANITEI

On October 1st 2011 entered into force the new Civil Code, which is based on the monistic conception of regulation of private law relations in a single code, thus changing not only the institutions of family law, but also the other institutions belonging to private law.

The regulation of family relations is based on the lex ferenda solutions and proposals outlined over time by the doctrine and jurisprudence, and also on the provisions of the following laws: the French Civil Code, the Civil Code of Quebec, the Swiss Civil Code.

Also, considering the fact that Romania is a member state of the European Union and that more and more Romanian people are living abroad or marry foreigners we consider the harmonization of legislation in order to determine the law applicable to such relationships as a highly important requirement.

Given these issues I will devote the present study to: primary qualification of the general effects of marriage notion.

Keywords: primary qualification; effects of marriage in Romanian law; general effects of marriage in Romanian private international law.


Primary Qualification of the General Effects of Marriage Notion